175HP Evinrude
This 60 degree design that came out in 1992 has proven over time to be a very reliable and economical outboard. It is very light for its horse power. It is equipped with an optical ignition system that has had fewer problems then many of the other ignitions systems. We found that the few failures with this class of outboards are due to fuel contamination or oil injection failure. As with all Evinrude outboards we build we have removed the oil injection. Fuel contamination can be prevented by installing a Racor filter and checking it regularly.
Benefits: You can expect low gas consumption with this outboard. It is very light; weight (315 lbs) compared to the newer 4 and 2 stroke units. As with all OMC products you will have excellent parts and service availability, they are extremely popular.

Our price $8,849 with a 1 year warranty
Weight 375 lbs Displacement 158
6 cylinders
Electric start
Remote control (controls not included)
Power tilt and trim standard
Offered in 20" or 25" shaft length
Average retail price 2020 $17,745
Any Color you want... as long as it's dark blue.